“(..)as we become more in touch with our own ancient, black, non-european view of living as a situation to be experienced and interacted with, we learn more and more to cherish our feelings, and to respect those hidden sources of our power from where true knowledge and therefore lasting action comes.(…)
For women, then, poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into language, then into idea, then into more tangible action.”
– Audre Lorde, Poetry is not a luxury, first published in 1977 in Chrysalis: A Magazine of Women’s Culture.
In this section, Katucha brings together some of her publications in articles, blogs, books and magazines with the intentional idea of being in dialogue with broad audiences using different languages and styles. Some publications are unpacked and presented in recorded lectures, publicly available and included in the link ‘Conferences’ in this website.
- Bento, K. (2024). Refusing the hegemonic grain: Challenging academic debates in British higher education, in: Suvi Keskinen, Aminkeng Atabong Alemanji and Minna Seikkula “Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge”. Manchester, Manchester University Press.
- Bento, K. (2024). Herstories: Black Brazilian women narrating intersectional oppressions in the United Kingdom, in: Kimberlé Crenshaw, Kehinde Andrews, Annabel Wilson (eds.) “Blackness at the Intersection”. London, Bloomsbury.
- Johnson, Azeezat; Sobande, Francesca; Bento, Katucha. 2022. “Black Presence: A Gathering of Words.” In: GEM Collective.
- Bento, K. 2022, ‘“The hysteria of a little flu”: Effects of COVID-19 on HEIs in Brazil’, Higher Education.
- Bento, K. and Johnson, A. 2021. “Spoken gems: When academia meets self-care boundaries: A conversational piece” in Retrospect Journal.
- Bento, K. 2021. Colonial legacies and refusal in women’s networks: Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Final Response. Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog.
- Bento, K; Ruiz Ponce, H; Sempertegui, A.; Di Paolo, L. 2019. Descolonizando el Norte Global: Dialogos sobre Afro-Latinoamérica, el Caribe y Abya Yala en diáspora. In: Alternautas – (Re)Searching Development: The Abya Yala Chapter. (Online Journal).
- Bento, K. 2017. Weaving Brazilian Blackness in the United Kingdom: Nation, Race and Migration. Graduate Journal of Social Science. October 2017, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 17–36.
- Bento, K. and Beresford, J. 2017. Affirmative Actions for Indigenous Peoples in Brazilian Universities and Ethnology Studies from a Dialogical Perspective: An Interview with Clarice Cohn. Graduate Journal of Social Science. October 2017, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 37–47.
- Bento, K. 2016. “Invasoras” do Reino Unido: Reenquadrando discursos de colonialidade nas vozes de mulheres negras brasileiras imigrantes. Ponto-e-Vírgula : Revista de Ciências Sociais, [S.l.], n. 18, pp. 21-28.
- Bento, K. 2015. Por mais andares sem vergonha, por mais vadias: Sobre o amor e a agencia na terceira onda do feminismo negro e o corpo das pretinhas! Blogueiras Negras [online].
- Bento, K. 2015. O Feminismo Negro de Viola Davis não será minado pela branquidade. Blogueiras Negras [online].
- Perotto, L., Leiria, V., Hostensky, Bento, K., E. Rothestein, P. 2015. Associação de Estudantes Estrangeiros Para Quê? – Uma reflexão crítica sobre a representação estudantil em tempos de crise. Passages de Paris. 10 (1), pp. 12-33.