- Chair for the Edinburgh Futures Institute Black History Month: “Rooting decolonial education: routes for repair and liberation”. 15th Oct 2024.
- Chair for the Edinburgh Futures Institute Autumn Season ‘Power Trip’: “Leaning into the Metaphysics of Liberation”. 27th Oct 2023.
- Chair for the Women’s History Month with Mridul Wadwa. 23rd Mar 2023.
- Panelist of the LGBTQ+ film screening and live panel: “Not seeing straight” organised by the National Galleries of Scotland, 21st March 2023.
- Chair for the book launch “The Feminist Killjoy Handbook”, by Sara Ahmed. 14th Mar, 2023.
- IX CONGEAfro – 1 Roda Temática – CONGEAfro Roda Griô. 9th Nov, 2022.
- European Network of Brazilianists Working in Cultural Analysis (REBRAC) 2022. Panel: Decolonising perspectives on marginalized identities. 20-22 Oct 2022.
- Decolonising Ethics, University of Northumbria.
- Presentation: Ethical forms and colonial paradigms. 2th Apr, 2022.
- Decolonial feminisms from the UK: A Conversation with Katucha Bento and Emmanuelle Santos. 14th Apr, 2022.
- Building Our Own Table: A Symposium to Honour the Work of Lisa Williams.
- Presentation: Quilombo community, IASH – University of Edinburgh, 7th Apr, 2022.
- Keynote: Our Steps Come from Afar: Afro-Diasporas in Brazil and the Voices and (Re)existence of Black Women, UCL, 24th Feb, 2022.
- Slavery in America: What was Catalonia’s role? (Esclavitud en América – ¿Qué papel jugó Cataluña?) – Acció Exterior i Unió Europea, 2nd Dec, 2021.
- Girl Up X BFS Intersectionality 101 panel discussion 2021 – Girl Up Edinburgh, 21st October, 2021.
- LASA 2021 panel coordinator: “Amefricanidade Insurgente: Reflexões (d)entre produções de mulheres afroindígenas”. 26th May 2021.
- HERSTORIES: What happened to Marielle Franco? Lecture by Katucha Bento – Research Network QDFCT, Germany, 29th Jul, 2020.
- Panel: Decoloniality, Migration and Youth. Paper: Decoloniality and Black perspectives. University of Brasilia. 26th November 2019.
- Escuela Ecologia Critica (School of Critical Ecology). Conference on decoloniality of knowledge, a workshop organised by Andrea Sempertegui. Quito, Ecuador. 1st December 2018.
- Enough with Catcalling (Chega de Fiu Fiu) Documentary. Commentator along with Gabriela Loureiro, Heloisa Righetto and Juliana Fleig Bueno. Brazilian Embassy in London, UK. 2nd August 2018.
- The case of Marielle Franco: What the Black Feminism has to say about it. Workshop (Wi * We) in Mühlhausen. Conference “(queer) feminisms today”. Gießes, Germany. 7th – 9th September 2018.
- International Conference “Archives of Resistance: Cosmopolitanism, Memory and World Literature”, University of Leeds, 20-22 June 2018. Speaker and Presenter of the film “Concerning Violence” with the participation of the Director Göran Olsson (via web).
- Lectures on “Race Politics and Racism in Brazil”. Institute of International Training- World Learning – International Honors Program (IHP) – World Learning. 30 August 2016 (4 hours teaching) and 31 August 2017 (4 hours teaching) – Undergraduate Students. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Conference “Doing Justice to Figures”, London School of Economics, 19th June 2015. Speaker on the closing panel.
Papers Delivered at Conferences
- NCORE – The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education. Roundtable: “Black Lives Matter: Examining Impacts of a Mobilizing Moment Within Postsecondary Institutions” with, Katucha Bento, Layla Brown-Vincent, Remi Joseph-Salisbury, and Sam Tecle organised by Carl James and Zoila Airall. Portland, USA, May-June 2019. Paper: Affirmative Actions in Brazil and the ‘Bolsonaro Threat’.
- Black Power Conference. Universität Bielefeld, Germany, October 2018. Paper: Weaving Blackness from “lugares de fala” Afroladinos: Contributions of Black Feminism to Decolonial Reflexivity.
- 56º International Congress of Americanists. University of Salamanca, 16th – 20th July 2018. President of the Symposium: Descolonizando el Norte Global: Afro-Latinoamérica, el Caribe y Abya Yala en diáspora. Paper: “Creating an AMEFRICALADINA location: AfroBrazilians healing and surviving Whiteness in European scenario”.
- NCORE – The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education. Roundtable: “Mobilized Actions: The Impact of the Growing National and International Right-Wing Movement on Anti-Racism Activities in Higher Education Session” with Sam Tecle, Remi Joseph-Salisbury, Layla Brown-Vincent and Katucha Bento, organised by Carl James and Zoila Airall. New Orleans, USA, June 2018. Paper: Amefricanidade: The Brazilian urgency for Decolonial Strategies of Discourse.
- 3rd Postgraduate Conference on Migration. University of Leeds (UK), June 2017. Paper: Intersectional Paths of Finding Homes and Belongings by Black Brazilian Women in the UK.
- Experiencing Insecurities. University of Sheffield (UK), March 2017. Paper: Politics of “Othering” towards Black Brazilian Women in the British Context: Addressing Intersectional Oppressions in British Institutions.
- I Seminário Internacional: Decolonialidade e Perspectiva Negra. University of Brasilia (Brazil) October 2016. Paper: “Invasoras” do Reino Unido: reenquadrando discursos de colonialidade nas vozes de mulheres negras brasileiras imigrantes.
- Summer Course: Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies (15th – 19th August 2016). Linnaeus University (Sweden). Paper: The Shackles of Coloniality: Conversations on Emotions of Black Brazilian women in the United Kingdom.
- 22nd South African Sociological Association Conference. University of Johannesburg (South Africa), June 2015. Paper: The shades and shapes of symbolic representation: Figures of Brazilian women in the social imaginary.
- 12th Luso-Afro-Brazilian Conference (Congresso Luso- Afro- Brasileiros – CONLAB), May 2015. Paper: Marcadores de diferenças na construção do desejo afetivo-sexual: Privilégios e desvantagens nas relações lésbicas em Barcelona (Markers of difference in the desire construction of sexual-affective desire: Privileges and disadvantages among lesbian relationships in Barcelona).
- 18th Academic Seminar of APEC (Association of Brazilian Researchers and Students in Catalonia), Barcelona (Catalonia), July 2013. Paper: “Theoretical Dimensions of Intersectionality: Gender, Race, Sexuality and Nationality”.
- 17th Academic Seminar of APEC (Association of Brazilian Researchers and Students in Catalonia). Barcelona (Catalonia), June 2012. Paper: “Está na cor da pele?: Uma discussão sobre raça em Barcelona” (Is it on the colour of the skin? A discussion about race in Barcelona); and chair of the discussion group “Sociology and Urban Spaces”.
- 8th Anthropology Meeting of Mercosur, Buenos Aires (Argentina), September 2009. Paper: “O ‘ser sexy’: Classificações de gênero, raça e sexualidade nas ruas de São Paulo” (‘Being sexy’: Classifications of gender, race and sexuality on the streets of Sao Paulo), and Photographic exhibition “La fotografía en el trabajo de campo”, participation with the fieldwork: “O ser sexy em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.
- 9th Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology: “Fronteras de la Antropología”, Posadas, Argentina, August 2008. Paper: “A ‘pegada’: interações (e tensões) nas baladas de São Paulo” (The ‘grabbing’: interactions (and tensions in the clubs of Sao Paulo).
- 6th Graduação em Campo: Urban Anthropology Seminars, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 2007. Paper: “Balada de preto e balada de branco: Festas e preconceitos à brasileira” (Party of blacks and party of whities: Brazilian festivities and prejudices).
- 7th Anthropology Meeting of Mercosur: “Desafios Antropológicos”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFGRS, Porto Alegre (Brazil) July 2007. Paper: “Balada de branco e balada de preto: “Seleção de parceiros a partir da democracia racial?” (Party of blacks and party of whites: Selection of partners from the Racial Democracy?).
- 14th Congresso of Initiation to Science, Federal University of Sao Carlos – UFSCar, Brazil, October 2007. Paper: “Balada de Preto e Balada de Branco: Manifestações de racismo nas festas de São Paulo” (Party of blacks and party of whities: Racists manifestations in festivities of Sao Paulo).
- 4th Brazilian Congress of Black Researchers, State University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, September 2006. “Balada de preto, balada de branco: Manifestações de racismo nas festas de São Paulo” (Party of blacks, party of whities: Racists manifestations in festivities of Sao Paulo).